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Thursday 17 October 2024

Review: Xavier by Dale Mayer 4 of 5 stars


Xavier by Dale Mayer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When Xavier’s application was accepted, but his friend’s wasn’t, Xavier struggled with success. Even his arrival at Hathaway is bittersweet, knowing his friend has been rushed back to the hospital. Tilly, a patient coordinator at Hathaway House, witnesses Xavier’s arrival, her heart-tugging at his obvious sense of guilt. Even with Xavier’s stomach barely holding down food and his mind and soul emotionally struggling without his buddy, she knows Xavier has what it takes to make a great recovery here - if he focuses on his own life. Hathaway is about progress, as Xavier’s about to find out with friends and without.

I enjoyed this story as Tilly struggled to help Xavier see that he deserved to use this chance to recover and look after just himself. Lots of deep discussions as Xavier made some mistakes before he fixed them and moved forward again. Easy to read and feel this was an MF story with a little mature content at the end.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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Review: Count Felford's Vessel by S. Rodman 4 of 5 stars

Count Felford's Vessel

Count Felford's Vessel by S. Rodman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Count Felford is young, handsome. Progressive. Everything Luci could hope for in a husband. Yet they had a seven year engagement and still he feels hated. Instead, it seems he's destined for an unhappy marriage. Imagine how much worse it will be if he discovers his secrets? The fact he likes to wear dresses and lingerie is bad enough, but his other secret? That one could change their world forever.

I enjoyed this story but felt it missed a little more after they had found a more affectionate relationship between them. The ending was very dramatic and unfortunate for the world. Easy to read, feel and understand. This was an MM story with mature content.

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Wednesday 16 October 2024

Review: In the Eye of the Beholder by Dianna Roman 3 of 5 stars

In the Eye of the Beholder

In the Eye of the Beholder by Dianna Roman
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Daniel Ellis trusts no one and love, even less. His longstanding commitment to self-reliance backfires when a series of events finds an unlikely saviour offering him assistance at every turn. How can the aggravating widower who’s sat at the end of his bar the past few years be his knight in shining armour? Reluctantly taking a job as Eric Jordan’s assistant becomes more than just a means of safe haven. Working for his aloof bar patron broadens Daniel’s perspectives, threatening to tear down every wall he’s built around his heart as he begins to learn more about a man he’s always purposely ignored. All Daniel wanted was to hide from the trouble that’s following him, not have the rest of his world turned upside down by the wealthy older man who ends up being nothing he expected and everything he didn't realise he might need.

This was a nice story but it lost my total interest thanks to the hot and cold from them both. I did like Eric but he did come across as very lonely. I did love the facts about his late wife but found her treatment by her family odd especially after her death. Easy to read and understand. This was an MM story with mature content.

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Review: Until I Saw You by Dianna Roman 5 of 5 stars

Until I Saw You

Until I Saw You by Dianna Roman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Harper Reid has no money and nowhere to go, but he can't spend one more day under the same roof as his abusive boyfriend. Desperate to start fresh, he takes on a special case through the caregiver agency that contracts him. The client has fired everyone else, but this job includes lodging, so Harper will find a way to make it work until he's back on his feet. High-flying, eccentric Riley Davenport has lost his sight, effectively clipping the vivacious man's wings. Learning to navigate in darkness is difficult enough without being treated like a house plant by his girlfriend, parents, and friends. The last thing he needs is another pushy caregiver, hovering over him, curtailing the last of his freedom. But Harper Reid is different - very different. Nervous, quiet, reserved. It's almost like Harper has secrets and is the one who needs to be taught how to live again. And why does he smell like sugar cookies? Men aren't supposed to smell delicious.

I adored this story with the two broken men who needed to learn that the world was a good place and that they could mend their broken lives. Harper was a sweetheart who needed to heal while trying to teach Riley how to cope with a world in darkness. Riley was a character who was mostly frustrated. I loved their relationship and the way that they couldn't keep their hands off each other. It was great that Riley gave Harper the space to sort himself out. Lots of emotions in this story which was easy to read, feel and understand. This was an MM story with mature content.

** Please read the trigger warnings

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Tuesday 15 October 2024

Review: The Butler's Vessel by S. Rodman 4 of 5 stars

The Butler's Vessel

The Butler's Vessel by S. Rodman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Barny's butler is calm, confident, capable and he wants him to take charge of him..But he calls Barny master, because he is about to come of age and become Earl Rocester. A vessel with a title how absurd. But there is no one else to take it. He is clumsy and brash and bold. Prone to making an utter fool of himself. He's too much and nobody wants that. It means the only offers of marriage he'll receive are from men willing to overlook his flaws for the sake of my title. That was before the incident. He got far too drunk and lost his purity when his magic was freed. His butler hid the evidence with dark magic, but now he needs regular intimacy with a mage to empty me before everyone discovers my shameful secret. It is a good thing his butler is so obliging.

This was a nice twist on the standard vessel story. I loved Jeeves who tried to stay emotionless but in the end he just couldn't. Barny was a sweetheart and it was easy to feel for him and be invested in his life and future. I loved the ending and hope we meet them both later in the series. Easy to read, feel and understand. This was an MM story with mature content.

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Review: The Prince's Vessel by S. Rodman 4 of 5 stars

The Prince's Vessel

The Prince's Vessel by S. Rodman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When Prince Wilhelm is in London for King Charles’s coronation and Jem is provided as hospitality, along with the champagne and the penthouse suite, it’s just another night. Jem is the disgraced younger brother of Duke Sothbridge. Ostracized from society since he was a teenager. Considered good enough for only one thing - being used for his body and magic by mages. He is a prince, not Prince Charming, and Jem is nobody's Cinderella. Fairy tales are just that, tales. One night won’t change everything. When Jem walks into the room, Will is blown away. He is utterly gorgeous, and his magic sings to Will's like no other ever has. He is also as feisty as hell. He has never been more smitten. That night will changes everything.

I loved this story the Will who was determined to have Jem no matter who or what stood in his way. I loved that finally Jem was treated with respect considering that he should never have been ostracized in the first place. Easy to read, feel and understand there is plenty of danger and drama too. This was an MM story with mature content.

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Monday 14 October 2024

Review: Duke Sothbridge's Vessel by S. Rodman 3 of 5 stars

Duke Sothbridge's Vessel

Duke Sothbridge's Vessel by S. Rodman
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Colby Witherington lives in 2023 and lives in a world of lords & ladies, balls & arranged marriages. It’s all very regency, except men marry men & magic is involved. Colby is twenty-one and still unwed. Vessels are always married to a mage on their eighteenth birthday. It’s tradition. One he wants to take part in. He longs to surrender his body and his magic to a mage. A trap goes wrong and Duke Sothbridge who is forced to propose to him. Evil, cruel Duke Southbridge who ravished Lord Garrington’s vessel on a balcony and fought a duel over it.

This was a good story with lots of drama and angst as they both came to terms with their marriage and the politics around them. There were times when I just wanted to hug Colby. Easy to read, feel and understand. This was an MM story with mature content.

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