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FEATURED NEW RELEASE - Mated to the Gargoyle by Lisa Carlisle

 #wolfpackreads  #wolfpackbookbuzz #romancereads #romancebooks #shifterbooks #shifterromance  NEW! Mated to the Gargoyle  by Lisa Carlisle W...

Sunday 16 September 2018

Review: Paulie Zahn Vampire Huntress by E.M. Sørensen 5 of 5 stars

Paulie Zahn Vampire Huntress Paulie Zahn Vampire Huntress by E.M. Sørensen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sargent Paulie Zahn wakes up in a hospital to the news that a rogue vampire has bitten her. She then experiences all sorts of changes to her senses and abilities. Her employer allocates her a mentor who has been a vampire for over 70 years and is trying to teach her how to live without feeding off humans. However as she appears to have become a strange hybrid between a vampire and a human she becomes a hot property were different vampire groups start to battle to control her plus she is firmly on the radar of the vampire Council of Elders. Can she learn to navigate the new situation she finds herself in while using all her skills to take down the bad guys?

I loved this story - it kept me gripped as we went through all the trials and tribulations that Paulie had to handle. She is a great example of a strong woman and how she can get help and become part of a community while also staying in control and being true to herself. The story was well told and contained lots of detailed descriptions of the events that Paulie was involved in. It was well told and I definitely felt that I was there going through everything that she did. All the thoughts and emotions were clear and easy to pick up. Definitely a story that is hard to put down.

Buy from Amazon

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