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FEATURED NEW RELEASE - Mated to the Gargoyle by Lisa Carlisle

 #wolfpackreads  #wolfpackbookbuzz #romancereads #romancebooks #shifterbooks #shifterromance  NEW! Mated to the Gargoyle  by Lisa Carlisle W...

Monday 24 June 2019

Review: The Scorpion by John A. Autero 4 of 5 stars

The Scorpion The Scorpion by John A. Autero
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Three friends stumble upon government information describing a top-secret plant for a new source of energy. They are determined to stop the spread of misinformation from corrupt elements of the US Government and start spreading the truth instead. This then becomes a mixture of a suspense story and a morality story working out that legal is not always right. The pace goes faster and faster as the danger ramps up and their exposure to the corrupt elements increases. Can they finally reveal everything that is true or will they fall to the corrupt sections of the government?

I really enjoyed this story which was gripping and addictive as I got further and further into this deep and meaningful suspense story. It was well written and enjoyable once I got past the ground I had to understand at the start of the book - so my advice would be to prevail and you will start to enjoy it more as you understand it more fully.

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