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FEATURED NEW RELEASE - Mated to the Gargoyle by Lisa Carlisle

 #wolfpackreads  #wolfpackbookbuzz #romancereads #romancebooks #shifterbooks #shifterromance  NEW! Mated to the Gargoyle  by Lisa Carlisle W...

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Review: Arsenic in the Azaleas by Dale Mayer 5 of 5 stars

Arsenic in the Azaleas Arsenic in the Azaleas by Dale Mayer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Doreen Montgomery was left high and dry after her divorce from her husband and finds herself at her Nan's dilapidated old house. She now has only her beloved basset hound Mugs and her Nan's pets Thaddeus an African grey parrot with a colourful vocabulary and a large cat called Goliath to distract her. Looking forward to this new start she is dismayed when Goliath and Mugs find a human finger in the back garden which is closely followed by the rest of the body when the police start to dig. With Nan as a prime suspect Doreen starts to stumble across clues which drives Corporal Mack Moreau to distraction.

This was a great story with lots of different streams of story as Doreen went from crisis to crisis and clue to clue. I loved the way the story was woven into the stream of her discovering where she had moved, discovering herself, learning about her Nan and following clues to try and crack the case that she was in the middle of. Well written it was really enjoyable and I'm looking forward to the next chapter in Doreen's new life.

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