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Sunday 4 August 2024

Review: Unnecessary Roughness by Rheland Richmond by Emerson Beckett

Unnecessary Roughness

Unnecessary Roughness by Rheland Richmond by Emerson Beckett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When Jackson Kincaid's best friend, Allison, died in a car accident, he suddenly became the parent of his ten-year-old godson. How was he supposed to play football for the Portland Pirates and be a full-time single dad? Adjusting is the name of the game. But thanks to his friends, and his best friend Simon, the team doctor, they'll heal and make it through. Simon Taylor is the hardass team doctor that lets nothing get by him. But somehow, Jackson did. While helping him adjust to his new reality, Simon wasn't prepared for his new feelings for him to surface. Especially when he didn't know.he.had them. Jackson and his godson have stolen his heart and aren't letting go. It doesn't matter that their relationship might be considered forbidden or that he's fifteen years younger than Simon. He wants things with him that he's never wanted with anyone else. Especially a man. Jackson and Simon deserve to be together no matter how rough things get. Some things are just worth it.

This was a highly emotional story as Jackson struggled with the loss of Allison and supporting and caring for Parker. Add to that the developing relationship between Jackson and Simon and there were emotions and feelings all over the place you will cry. Just how could you not fall in love with Parker who was such a sweetheart? Easy to read, feel and understand. This was an MM story with mature content.

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