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Sunday 8 September 2024

Review: Ineligible Receiver by Rheland Richmond by Emerson Beckett 5 of 5 stars

Ineligible Receiver

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When Cooper met Greg Foster, the straight tight end for the Portland Pirates, the rookie needed a friend to bring him out of his shell. There was more to the shy twenty-two-year-old bookworm than met the eye, and he was the perfect person for the task. His roommate and best friend, Christian, was involved with the Pirates QB, so a new friend to hang out with was good. He pushed down his attraction to him and became the best friend he ever had. We bar-hopped all over Portland and played video games in our apartments. We even loved the same indy band from Seattle. Then they fucked up when they fell in love. And by fucked up, I mean they got married even though they knew their marriage had to remain a secret. No one knew about us. Not even our closest friends. And every time they asked, we gave them the same line - we're just friends. And ultimately, the reason for that secret would tear them apart. Now, here Cooper was three years after meeting him, and wasn’t sure how to survive without him. He was the love of his life, and he was his.

OMG this story was so emotional and you will cry a lot reading this. I was torn between hugging them or knocking their heads together. There was so much love and passion between these two men. Easy to read, feel and understand. This was an MM story with mature content.

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