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Saturday 11 May 2024

Review: Going Deep by Silvia Violet 4 of 5 stars

Going Deep (Fitting In, #4)

Going Deep by Silvia Violet
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Gray has deep feelings for his partners Jack and Mason run deep and he can be romantic at home, but at work, he’s still a tough cop nobody wants to cross. Assigned to solve the murders of several young women he has no suspects and no motives his confidence is taking a hit. With every dead end and day that goes by it adds to the urgency to find the killer. Gray desperately needs a break and although he excels at taking care of his two men in bed and out when it comes to accepting comfort himself he shuts down. Jack and Mason plan a vacation for the three of them but he rejects their idea and his home life starts to spiral as badly as his current case. With his case weighing on him and his partners trying their best to help, Gray must figure out how a high-handed man like himself can let go.

This was a dramatic read at times as Grey struggled to solve the murders of the young women while coping with all of his feelings and accepting help. It was interesting to see that not everything was rosy in their relationship and that it took the other two to handle Gray and sort him out. It was great to see that the case was solved just like the three men resolved all of the problems that Gray was having. A lot of emotions and feelings in this story. Easy to read, feel and understand. This is an MMM story with mature content and a BDSM-like D/s dynamic

** Please note it is better to read the books in this series in order and you need to read the book before this one before starting it.

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