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Tuesday 21 May 2024

Review: Hired: Hadley by Nora Phoenix 4 of 5 stars

Hired: Hadley (The Foster Brothers, #2)

Hired: Hadley by Nora Phoenix
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hadley has taken the job as Sebastian LeClerc's PA and has discovered that he might be good-looking but not at all nice, grumpy and a playboy. Everyone cowers and seeks cover when Sebastian is in the room. Hadley can't believe Sebastian's that bad and that there has to be a reason for his bad attitude, but he seems to be the only one. Sebastian does seem to appreciate Hadley and his efforts, calling him his sunshine and when something nice comes out of his mouth Hadley’s heart is all aflutter. Has Hadley fallen for his boss?

I loved this story with the organised Hadley and the clueless Sebastian who was overworked and grumpy all of the time. It was great to see a powerful and rich man taking orders from Hadley and they did seem to be very well matched. I loved their constant communication even though sometimes that seemed to go wrong. Sebastian's parents were lovely and Hadley fit well in sorting out his home and caring for Sebastian when he wasn't well. Easy to read, feel and understand. This was an MM story with mature content.

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