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Wednesday 1 May 2024

Review: Not So Casual by Ashley Rayne 4 of 5 stars

Not So Casual

Not So Casual by Ashley Rayne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What happens when the lines between boss and employee get blurred? From the moment he stepped into Alexander's office, there was something different about Elias Bowen. Something that always drew him in and made him want to know more. After seeing a different side to Elias, they both have to figure out where their feelings lie. The problem is that Elias is Alexander's assistant.

I enjoyed this story with the two men who lusted after each other from afar until one cracked and they tried a no-strings arrangement which morphed into something far more permanent. I loved their communication style and the way that Elias was able to run interference for Alexander for either of them. Their relationship was hot and it was a joy to experience it with them. Easy to read, feel and understand. This was an MM story with mature content.

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