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FEATURED NEW RELEASE - Mated to the Gargoyle by Lisa Carlisle

 #wolfpackreads  #wolfpackbookbuzz #romancereads #romancebooks #shifterbooks #shifterromance  NEW! Mated to the Gargoyle  by Lisa Carlisle W...

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Review: Academy of the Forgotten by Eva Chase 5 of 5 stars

Academy of the Forgotten (Cursed Studies #1)Academy of the Forgotten by Eva Chase

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Trix learnt at an early age that she couldn't rely on adults - but she could rely on her foster brother Cade. So when he receives a scholarship to Roseborne College and then disappears. So she resolves to go and find him. When she gets there the staff insists he has never been there, the other students glare at her and the classes are all about tormenting she also meets three appealing guys who are very invested in her arrival and safety. There seems to be an unnatural power over the place and as she investigates she finds worse and worse things which suggest that finding Cade is not so important as it looks like absolutely no one will leave the place alive. Can Trix find Cade, survive and work out the mystery of the college's power?

This is the first book in the series and sets out the situation, people and college very well. You can clearly understand what appears to be happening and how that affects everyone. It's turning into a paranormal mystery that is also a reverse harem and at times can also be a thriller too. I liked the differences in the 3 male interests and the way they all reacted differently with Trix. Clearly described and easy to understand this was a great start to the series and has definitely whetted my appetite as to what is going to happen next in the series. Contains no bad language and only very tame sexual content.

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