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FEATURED NEW RELEASE - Mated to the Gargoyle by Lisa Carlisle

 #wolfpackreads  #wolfpackbookbuzz #romancereads #romancebooks #shifterbooks #shifterromance  NEW! Mated to the Gargoyle  by Lisa Carlisle W...

Tuesday 26 October 2021

FEATURED SALE BOOK - Breath of Passion by Lisa Kessler

#wolfpackreads #wolfpackbookbuzz 

On sale for .99 all week from 10-25 to 10-31

Erica Sterling owns her curves, and inspires passion in every person she meets. It's the curse of having the Greek muse, Erato, lurking in her soul. After a hot night with a firefighter, she struggles to keep her distance from him. The gods have other plans.
No one understands fire and heat like firefighter, Reed McIntosh. After meeting Erica, a new ability is awakened inside of him, along with the desire to keep her safe. The gods have marked him, and fate has chosen him to be her protector.
When a stalker's threats turn up the heat, Reed will put his life - and his heart - on the line. But when the ashes settle, will love be too late?

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Excerpt -
Erica woke up sore in all the right places. She’d delivered Reed back to his truck at the bar in a rumpled dress, with bedhead and no underwear.

Damn, that was an amazing night.

With her muse now sated, maybe she could focus on writing a few more songs for Trin’s next album. The cantina was just their test ground for new material. These days, Trinity could sell out a two-thousand-seat concert venue, and if this album sold well, that number would go up, too.

Erica ventured out to the kitchen in her sweats. She grabbed a cereal bowl and spun around when Trin cleared her throat.

Her roommate was at the table with a grin that was all trouble. “So you’re not going to tell me about last night?”

Erica rolled her eyes and went about getting her breakfast. “You saw Reed. How do you think it went?”

She chuckled. “Being hot doesn’t mean you’re good in bed.”

Erica peered over her shoulder. “We never even got to the bed.”

Trin’s eyes widened. “Oh gods! I eat at this table!”

“Please. We weren’t on the table.” Erica grinned.

“So are you going to see him again?”

Erica’s smile faded as she poured her milk. “We agreed it was a one-time thing.”

Trin shook her head. “You know, if you never let a good man into your life, then Jack wins.”

Erica sat across from Trin, poking at her food. “It’s different for me and you know it. The rest of you have muses to inspire music, laughter, dance, epic stories, even tragedy, but me? I inspire sex-obsessed stalkers. One was enough, thanks.”

Trin leaned back in her chair. “You don’t know that for sure. And if you limit yourself to no-strings-attached sex, you’ll never find out. Besides, Reed is Hunter’s best friend; he’s got to be a good guy. There’s no way Hunter would be friends with an abusive jerk.”

Suddenly, Erica wasn’t hungry anymore. “Reed seems like an amazing guy. Spend a few months with my insatiable muse, though, and all that could change.” She shuddered. “No thanks.”

“Fine.” Her roommate got up. “But you deserve more than just one night.”

Trin disappeared into her room while Erica forced down her cereal and then rinsed out her bowl. None of her muse sisters really understood. Being the vessel for Erato made her hunger for stimulation all the time. Flirting was as natural as breathing, and she did it without realizing it. Often.

Eventually, Jack’s jealousy led to… She glanced at the round scar on her shoulder.

Yeah, she wasn’t going there.

Since Mel and Callie had found their Guardians, Erica secretly hoped she might find hers, too. 
Every muse supposedly had one, not that she thought he’d be the love of her life like her muse “sisters” had discovered with theirs, but because he might be able to keep her from getting in too deep with another guy. 

Clio, the Muse of History, had translated the scroll with the prophecy of a man chosen by the gods to protect his muse.

Protect, not love.

The truth was, watching her sisters fall in love, and knowing that for her, even an amazing night of passion would end with her in an empty bed in the morning, sucked. At least if she found her Guardian, she might have a friend.

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