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FEATURED NEW RELEASE - Mated to the Gargoyle by Lisa Carlisle

 #wolfpackreads  #wolfpackbookbuzz #romancereads #romancebooks #shifterbooks #shifterromance  NEW! Mated to the Gargoyle  by Lisa Carlisle W...

Saturday 5 December 2020

Review: Triple Flames by Alyse Zaftig 1 of 5 stars

Triple Flames (Paranormal Dating Agency)Triple Flames by Alyse Zaftig
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

The Prince of Ganamarsia needs a mate and they need to have had a child before his 30th birthday or he'll die. He also has to close friends who are like brothers so him and so together they form a triad. In desperation, after looking at every female on their planet as well as some others, they turn to Gerri Wilder of the Paranormal Dating Agency and she sends them a mate in a small shuttle. So soon as she arrives they know she is the right one, but can they persuade her that she is theirs and that she needs to stay?

There were parts of this book that had promise, but they were never expanded upon so that I could not connect them into the rest of the book. I could understand who the bad guys were but not why they were like that (did they think they were right for the triad and not the woman from Earth, had they made a deal in order to take control, was there another reason?) and then also what happened between the end of the problem (were the bad guys jailed, banished or executed), then what happened at the end (how did the pregnancy go, how did she settle into the role, did Gerri ever visit them). I have so many questions. As much as I love the PDA series, give this one a miss.

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