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Monday 31 December 2018

Review: To Black With Love: A Quentin Black Paranormal Mystery Romance by JC Andrijeski 5 of 5 stars

To Black With Love: A Quentin Black Paranormal Mystery Romance To Black With Love: A Quentin Black Paranormal Mystery Romance by JC Andrijeski
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Decorated vet and ex-cop Nick Tanaka has been missing since the mess on Koh Mangaan. Black and Miri have been looking for him all over Europe so it appears time to face facts - he is dead - the only question is was it in the fire or did the vampires kill him? Uncle Charles is whipping up a civil war in the US to get the humans to kill all vampires and so when they return to San Francisco they face potential danger from the “Purity Movement” who are starting riots all over the place. Charles continues to pressure them to join him and the vampires are worried too and request an alliance in return for an update on Nick. With all these strands how is it going to progress for Miri and Black and will they find the vampire King's information impossible to resist forming an alliance with him?

This story was a little flow to start as it focused on the search for Nick but it soon transformed into the kind of story I would expect from this author/series. Lots of developments, twists, turns plots, sub-plots and surprises kept hitting me as I read this story. Some I could possibly have predicted, some were very different to how I expected it to develop(in a good way) and gives me promise of some major developments in future books in this series. As events started to kick off I became more addicted to the story and needing to know what is going to happen next. It was a great ending with some surprises and the promise of some major events in the future. Well written and easy to understand if you have read this previous books in this series you will definitely enjoy this one.

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Saturday 29 December 2018

Karen Boston Book Editing and Proofreading Holiday Sale on until 31st December 2018


Are you looking for quality, affordable editing? 

Most line editing projects can cost at least $1000 to complete. Through our current editing special, you can get not only line editing, but also a full proofreading treatment - all for only $499. ðŸ˜€,

Special ends Monday, December 31st.

Contact us for more info here !

Thursday 27 December 2018

Review: SEALs of Honor: Books 1-3 by Dale Mayer 4 of 5 stars

SEALs of Honor: Books 1-3 SEALs of Honor: Books 1-3 by Dale Mayer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Mason - 4*

Mason is a SEAL who is on a mission to save Tesla - the sister of a dead SEAL colleague of his who has developed a software program which will save many US soldier's lives. Other countries now know about the software and so they are determined to get it. Time is running out for them both and can Tesla stick to her vow to not go near another military man?

This was a lovely story that was enjoyable to read. It contains plenty of drama and excitement (including some twists and turns). Well written it is a great read if you want a good SEAL story with more than a little romance.

Hawk - 4*

SEAL Hawk is going home for a short break but never expected to find a dead man as soon as he arrives there. It also seems to be around the redhead he never forgot. Mia remembers her best friend's brother who is now much more dangerous to her heart and as sexy as hell - just as well he is on her side as the local town explodes in violence and she appears to be stuck in the middle.

This book was full of danger, drama and excitement as it moved from one twist to the next. Mia was so strong in the face of all that was happening to her and Hawk was true to type in resisting the inevitable until he had no choice but to accept it. A great fun read.

Dane - 4*

Dane is a SEAL and on a mission to capture a chemical weapons terrorist when he meets Marielle - but is she to be trusted or part of the same group? PhD student Marielle is on a short holiday to meet with a former professor when she finds herself thrown into a dangerous situation with fast moving events and only SEALs keeping her alive. They both find themselves drawn to each other - is this just a physical attraction or is this the forever that they have booth been waiting for?

This was a great story with so many twists and turns in the world of chemical research and international commercial espionage. I loved the way that were unsure of each other and then as they faced everything that was thrown at them they realised that they needed and wanted each other. Well written and a good read.

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Review: Dane by Dale Mayer 4 of 5 stars

Dane Dane by Dale Mayer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dane is a SEAL and on a mission to capture a chemical weapons terrorist when he meets Marielle - but is she to be trusted or part of the same group? PhD student Marielle is on a short holiday to meet with a former professor when she finds herself thrown into a dangerous situation with fast moving events and only SEALs keeping her alive. They both find themselves drawn to each other - is this just a physical attraction or is this the forever that they have booth been waiting for?

This was a great story with so many twists and turns in the world of chemical research and international commercial espionage. I loved the way that were unsure of each other and then as they faced everything that was thrown at them they realised that they needed and wanted each other. Well written and a good read

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Monday 24 December 2018

Review: Hawk by Dale Mayer 4 of 5 stars

Hawk Hawk by Dale Mayer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

SEAL Hawk is going home for a short break but never expected to find a dead man as soon as he arrives there. It also seems to be around the redhead he never forgot. Mia remembers her best friend's brother who is now much more dangerous to her heart and as sexy as hell - just as well he is on her side as the local town explodes in violence and she appears to be stuck in the middle.

This book was full of danger, drama and excitement as it moved from one twist to the next. Mia was so strong in the face of all that was happening to her and Hawk was true to type in resisting the inevitable until he had no choice but to accept it. A great fun read.

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Review: Mason by Dale Mayer 4 of 5 stars

Mason Mason by Dale Mayer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Mason is a SEAL who is on a mission to save Tesla - the sister of a dead SEAL colleague of his who has developed a software program which will save many US soldier's lives. Other countries now know about the software and so they are determined to get it. Time is running out for them both and can Tesla stick to her vow to not go near another military man?

This was a lovely story that was enjoyable to read. It contains plenty of drama and excitement (including some twists and turns). Well written it is a great read if you want a good SEAL story with more than a little romance.

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Sunday 23 December 2018

Review: AWW Snap, Dragon by Julia Mills 4 of 5 stars

AWW Snap, Dragon AWW Snap, Dragon by Julia Mills
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Tristan is a Dragon Guard and it seems that there is nothing in existence that will stop Gerri Wilder from the Paranormal Dating Agency from finding his fated mate even if he is trying to ignore it. Felicity is a flower fairy who keeps his business's offices stocked with fresh flowers and plants. Can they both be brought together by Gerri?

This was an interesting story that merged the worlds of both series into a captivating story which contained love, evil and a fight for survival. We learnt more about his background and the world he inhabits as well as his friendships with key members of the team. This is a great light read that can be read by fans of both series but can also be read by anyone as a stand alone story. Well written and very enjoyable.

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Review: Sacrifice

Sacrifice Sacrifice by Isadora Brown
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In this final instalment in the story many of the strands have to work their way to conclusion. Keirah decides to use her family connection to try and get Jack to help her find Noir, Jack's ex becomes his business partner and does everything she can to get him back from Andie (including investing in her animal shelter) and Reese shares her secret with Andie which is very unexpected. Can Black Wing avoid Lucas Burr the DA from putting him in prison even if he decides to use Andie as bait to capture him?

There were many twists and turns in this story as Andie tries to cope with everything that is happening. I was great to see the relationship between the good and evil in this and how they battled with each other in order to dominate over the other. It was also surprising how what you though was one actually was the other as you learnt more about them. Some of the twists confirmed my suspicions but some came completely as a surprise so definitely a great end to the series.

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Saturday 22 December 2018

Review: A Wolf's Hunger: A Ravenous Pack by A K Michaels by Monica La Porta 5 of 5 stars

A Wolf's Hunger: A Ravenous Pack A Wolf's Hunger: A Ravenous Pack by A K Michaels by 
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rafe - 5*

Rafe Blackstone is Alpha of the Darkmoon Pack and has a hunger that just won't stop - nobody and nothing can stop him and his nearest and dearest are really worried about him. Then his Mum tells him of a legend that says that this only happens when a shifter needs to find their mate and so out of desperation he embarks on a journey to find his mate.

Tasha is fighting to stay one step ahead of rogue shifters that have destroyed everything that she knows and loves. When they have Tasha cornered can she survive and have a future with the Alpha who has come to her aid?

This was a great story with lots of action and danger mixed in with a lovely romantic tale. It seemed to have everything - shifters, magic and romance. It was well written and I could feel all the emotions experienced as part of the story. A great start to the new series.

Kade - 5*

Shifter Kade MacKenzie is out of control with the Hunger that is driving him wild with a need to kill and eat prey. His best friend and Beta Lennox warns him what is causing it but he finds the whole idea ridiculous - that is until his wolf takes control and takes him on a quest to find his soul-mate.

I LOVED this story and the way that it developed. Kade was the tough guy that you always envision an Alpha to be, but had also soft gentle edges that made him quite irresistible. As for his mate when he find her, she was feisty and had a take no prisoners attitude that fit perfectly into the role of an Alpha's mate. The story was well written and everything was well described. It was full of complicated thoughts, hopes and fears and I could feel all the emotions that the characters were going through.

Zohar - 5*

Zohar Drake is the Council’s most feared Enforcer. He feels that everything he has done for the council has left him tormented and feeling under a dark cloud. As The Hunger strikes him he knows that it must be a spell as the Goddess would never send him a soulmate. His best friend Danko begs to differ and sets out to hep him while they are on a mission to save a pack from a truly despicable alpha. The question is can he keep Zohar sane and outside of the Council’s infamous prison.

I loved this story. It was a nice slant to the hunger stories and the issues around the pack and their members added a different dimension with lots of drama and the odd twist and turn. I loved the dynamic between the characters and the way it developed. It was well written and everything was clear and easy to understand.

Sheba - 5*

Sheba has broken a taboo in the Dark Moon Pack because she is the first female Alpha. It was not easy to get there and she had to fight hard and be much better than any male to get to that position - so she is determined for it to stay like that and not slip in her focus. Then she gets a hunger that makes her hunt and eat lots - nothing wrong with that surely as that it what a shifter was born to do right? Then she starts dreaming about the most magnificent Lion - strange - maybe she ate something bad? When renegades start becoming a problem she has a dilemma - she has to defend the pack and get rid of the renegades, but the pack healer says she has to go and find her soul-mate or go mad. Sensing her disbelief her beta Ray insists she must find the soul-mate and that he will go with her. Can she find him before the renegades?

Great story - and so nice to read another story in the A Wolf's Hunger collection of stories that is about a female Alpha and not a male one. It was nice to have a slightly different slant on the story which made it less formulaic and not a wolf or human for the soul-mate. It was well written and I could feel and empathise with the story as it unfolded. Loved it.

Shade - 5*

Shade Shawcross is the Alpha of the Silver Lake pack and seems to have a insatiable hunger that is beginning to consume him. His Betas (and best friends) suspect they know what might be happening and persuade him to look through the pack archives to confirm what it is and find out the cure. Shade eventually agrees and they start to go through the recently digitised archives. They are all shocked at what they find and when Shade finally lets his wolf take control to try and find his soulmate. This is not going to be easy as she is on the run from her pack and Shade has three bothers after him after their scheming sister told them a story that was incorrect. Will he find his mate or will either of them die from the others chasing them?

Wow - lots of action and excitement in this Wolf's Hunger story. After a slightly slow start the action just kept coming and the danger kept piling up on them both. Well written as always and all the thoughts, dreams, emotions and frustrations were all easy to feel and experience as you read this story.

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Friday 21 December 2018

Karen Boston Book Editing and Proofreading Holiday Sale on until 31st December 2018

Karen Boston is currently running a Holiday Editing Special giving up to 30% off her regular rates!

Get your free sample edit today and see why numerous international bestselling authors will have only Karen edit their works. Special ends December 31st.

Her previous client reviews:

"Karen Boston is an absolute pleasure with whom to work. She's proofed three of my novels and not only has an eagle eye for errors but is flexible and kind as well. I highly recommend her editing services!" International Bestselling Author Melanie Summers

"Karen Boston has edited all three of my debut novels. She's done an incredible job! She's reasonably priced, thorough, and willing to work with new authors. I have used her three times and I will continue to use her!" Amazon Bestselling Author Raquel DeJesus

"I loved working with Karen. She did an excellent job editing my book. She also handled me with patience. LOL! She was a joy to work with and was very responsive. I will be using her again for all my books." Author Monique Orgeron

You can find out more about Karen on her website here

Wednesday 19 December 2018

Review: Wicked Wonderland: A Reverse Harem Retelling by Eva Chase 5 of 5 stars

Wicked Wonderland: A Reverse Harem Retelling Wicked Wonderland: A Reverse Harem Retelling by Eva Chase
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lyssa Tenniel has inherited a large house from a great aunt that she can barely remember but finds it helps her to forget the mes that is her life and leads her to the kind of adventures she could only dream of. It all started when she falls through a mirror and finds herself in Wonderland. There she meets some really hot guys - an eccentric Hatter, a mysterious guy called Chess and the inventive White Knight. She will get involved in a rebellion against a tyrant of a White Queen, discover a special power all while trying her best to keep her head (literally) and her heart.

This is a lovely slow burn reverse harem book that is an imaginative twist on the Alice in Wonderland story. The places, characters and events are all easy to imagine, understand and sense how the characters are feeling. Lyssa is understandably hesitant as she comes to terms with the whole situation and events that are happening - sometimes I admit I found her annoying but I'm probably far more trusting of this kind of environment that she is given the kinds of book that I read. A great book that is highly recommended.

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Monday 17 December 2018

Review: Wicked by Ginger 5 of 5 stars

Wicked Wicked by Ginger
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Alyssa Callaghan lives in Gates Mill with her father Vance Callaghan who has put his experience as a decorated Navy SEAL to good use working as a PI with and for Police Detective Lumis. However when they pick up a 13 year old cold case of a killer who saws the throats of his victims Alyssa has to learn to fight her social anxiety, find friends, romance and even find the courage to investigate her father's case. However it takes a more personal turn as she seems to cross paths with the killer multiple times which Vance struggles to work out the motive and identity of the killer whist coping with historic memory loss. Things build up towards one hell of a Halloween - can then crack the case before anyone else dies?

OMG - this is a beautifully told story which takes the time to build each character in great detail so that as you experience the twists and turns in the plot you can feel and experience the changes and events for the characters too. I loved the relationship between Alyssa and Vance which was so clear and full of love, then the way that her friendships and romance built was also sensitively done with the right level of detail. The way it concentrated on friendship and love (but not physical) was great and definitely appropriate given the ages of the friends. I loved the drama in the story and the build up to the final conclusion was enjoyable and well told plus the ending was a welcome twist.

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Tuesday 11 December 2018

Review: The Bluebeard Curse: Cursed Fairy Tale: Book 2 by Margo Ryerkerk 4 of 5 stars

The Bluebeard Curse: Cursed Fairy Tale: Book 2 The Bluebeard Curse: Cursed Fairy Tale: Book 2 by Margo Ryerkerk
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Nolan Bluebeard fled after finding his sister with a knife over his parents' dead bodies and so after his life gets more complicated when girls last seen with him drown. Instead he makes a fortune importing goods but after five years he has to return and take over his title and responsibilities. However friends treat him with suspicion, the town has not forgotten and so life becomes very complicated. Jolie knows all the rules about interaction with the nobility but she finds she cannot stay away from him even if being close to him could risk everything she has worked hard for. Can she help Nolan to rebuild his reputation and break the curse even when women around him start dying again?

This was a lovely second instalment in the Cursed Fairytales series. I loved the way they were described in detail so that I could imagine them in my mind. It was a lovely story that centred around hate and evilness and how love and purity could enable their survival. It was sensitively told and it was easy to feel the thoughts and emotions of the characters. A good read that definitely tempts me to read the next one in the series.

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Monday 10 December 2018

Review: The Demon-Born Trilogy by L.C. Hibbett 5 of 5 stars

The Demon-Born Trilogy The Demon-Born Trilogy by L.C. Hibbett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A great series that will keep your attention all the way through!

The Shadow Born Children - 5*

Grace is 18 and has been running her entire life with her foster family. For now they are living among humans but it feels like it is only time before the angels find them as the magic which binds them is starting to fail. For over two thousand years the Half-Born like Grace have been hunted to maintain the barrier that hides magic from the human population. Then they suddenly encounter some unexpected allies and are introduced to the world of The Shadow Children. She finds a world here that she belongs in, but there are battles to come, and nothing is certain - even down to who she can trust.

I loved this book - the way they were hiding and the mixture of races and half-breeds was very interesting and added a lot of variety. The writing was very clear, the descriptions of feelings, objects and emotions was very clear. I definitely enjoyed this first book in the series and can't wait for the next book now.

The Shadow City - 5*

The Shadow Children are trying to rescue the halfborn from the Silent Homes but it feels like a losing battle to Grace - now they are having to choose whether to trust the Angels or fight on alone. She has Sam by her side, but they still have to find their way through secrets and lies in the Shadow City.

Wow - lots going on in this book with plenty of twists and turns in the plot - how on earth do they work out who to trust as it seems to be near impossible. I loved the complexity of the story and the way you could not predict the way the story was going to go. It was well written and everything was very clear. I could definitely feel the emotions and thoughts that the characters were going through. I can't wait for the final part of the story.

The Shadow War - 5*

The enemies of the Shadow Children are unmasked and the stakes are much higher than Grace had ever contemplated. Many of her friends are imprisoned and the Circle are doing everything they can to destroy the human race. Faced with a stark situation and even less choices it becomes apparent that Grace and the other Shadow Children are going to have to prepare for war. According to an ancient text there is only one way to break the Circle and their power but can Grace and Sam be strong enough to make that sacrifice?

What can I say? WOW. This is a fast paced drawing together of all the story threads towards the final confrontation. On the way there, were lots of twists, turns, and surprises where you didn't always know who was a friend and who was a foe. I felt that the ending was just open enough that there was room for a follow on series which I really hope the author creates as I will miss these characters and feel that there is more for them to achieve. As always everything was well written and clear/easy to understand. I could feel the emotions of the characters and the feelings involved in the story events.

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Saturday 8 December 2018

Review: Indian Paintbrush by John A. Heldt 5 of 5 stars

Indian Paintbrush Indian Paintbrush by John A. Heldt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Carson Siblings have safely survived 1889 and 1918 and have now arrived in 1943 where they are hoping for a quiet life in their home state. The two oldest boys Adam and Greg want quality time with their wives, Natalie and Caitlin have romances with WW2 aviators and Cody becomes friends with a Japanese family in an internment camp. Whilst doing all of that they continue to search for their parents until the problems that they had in previous years come to haunt them and they end up making a breakneck race for survival - will they escape?

Goodness - this family know how to find trouble as they make another stop in time during their search for their parents. In many ways it was very enjoyable - normal life seemed to be part of the story for them all and it was lovely to see the three unattached siblings finding their own love interests and for those loves become something much deeper. Then life (and the story) threw a few curve balls and I started to wonder what was going to happen next. I won't spoil any of the story for you but just tell you that at different points I had hope, disappointment, heartbreak, joy and tears. The book was very well written and very clear and easy to feel and understand. My only problem with the whole book is wondering how I am going to cope while I have to wait for the next one to be written!

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Thursday 6 December 2018

Review: A Deadly Masquerade by A.K. Michaels by Monica La Porta 5 of 5 stars

A Deadly Masquerade A Deadly Masquerade by A.K. Michaels by 
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Victor Strong has organised a Masquerade Ball as a secret gathering of the vampires and their bloodmates so they can all meet each other and network. However there is a very jealous ancient vampire who just wants them dead instead. The Directive have been involved and have helped pull it all together but it starts to unravel as attacks start to happen to some of the couples which means that Victor, Quinn and Flint have started to realise that their location has been leaked to the vampire who is trying to kill them and he has enlisted vampires and shifters to help him. Can they survive this dreadful situation where danger is around every corner or will this horde of supernaturals heading for them give victory to the jealous vampire?

This is a great book that has pulled together many of the vampires with their bloodmates we have already met as part of the books in the series. However you do not need to have read these books before you read this one. I loved the danger involved in the story and the different ways that the vampires handled the situation. It was lovely to see a more human side of these characters that we have met before and to observe any ways in which they may have changed their behaviour since they found their bloodmate. It was well written and definitely hard to put down as it moved towards the conclusion of the story. Very enjoyable.

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Wednesday 5 December 2018

Review: Kirev's Door (A Quentin Black Prequel): Quentin Black World by J.C. Andrijeski 4 of 5 stars

Kirev's Door (A Quentin Black Prequel): Quentin Black World Kirev's Door (A Quentin Black Prequel): Quentin Black World by J.C. Andrijeski
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The seer Kirev is raised in an alternate version of Earth where seers are enslaved by humans. He joins a resistance army after being brought up in work camps and brothels - he really wants to help his race but during his first proper mission he suddenly faces a whole new future when a past voice intervenes and he is sent in a whole new direction.

This is a prequel to the Quentin Black series of novels and a great starter to the series and how it starts - it will also prevent you being confused or surprised later on in the series. I loved the way it gently eased you into the series and could be seen as great scene setting for the series and what happened before. Well written and enjoyable - it definitely tempted me to read the first book in the series.

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Tuesday 4 December 2018

Review: 1972: The Seven Book Two by Sarah M. Cradit 4 of 5 stars

1972: The Seven Book Two 1972: The Seven Book Two by Sarah M. Cradit
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It's 1972 and the remaining 6 Deschanel siblings are living with their mother just outside of New Orleans. They are each unique with their gifts even if some wish desperately if they could give them back. They are all tortured in their own way after the tragic loss of one of their own a couple of years ago. Charles spirals into more depravity, Augustus fixes what he can while losing himself in the world of business, Colleen focuses on her education, Evangeline pays a dark cost for the discovery of a life outside of studying and lastly there is Elizabeth with the burden of knowledge of what is coming. Seems things are not about to get better anytime soon!

There were lots of interwoven strands in this story that managed to connect and then separate as the story progressed. Some very sad moments and times when I definitely felt their pain and internal torture. Definitely tempted me to want to know what happens in the next book now so I get to know how it all develops next. For anyone who has read the Hours of Crimson and Clover series this is definitely answering a few questions or giving valuable background. Well written and clear and easy to understand this was a very enjoyable book.

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Saturday 1 December 2018

Review: Long Grows the Dark by Catherine Labadie 4 of 5 stars

Long Grows the Dark Long Grows the Dark by Catherine Labadie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In the past Glenna is a court sorceress in the service of Princess Jael who is betrothed to Glenna's best friend (who Glenna has feelings for but is doing her best to hide). Then an unseen evil comes to try and take the land for himself. Do they make the right choices so that Fate can have happiness or pain in store for them? We then move to the present day where Gwendoline Hallewell is a student at Starford University in a world where magic is commonplace. Her trusty spell book pulls out a man from the past who then is the catalyst to memories of past lives that are the key to a present day threat. Can she work with her two friends Colt and Everleigh to reconcile the past with what needs to happen in the present while retaining their own free will even though past lives are trying to take control?

This was a powerful story where the past and present stories were woven together so that the reader was drip fed the story as it became necessary. In some ways that was really clever and in others it was a bit annoying keep moving between the two time periods and the players in each one. There were definitely times in the story when I really wanted to grab a hold of the main character and shake some sense into her, but she did manage to piece it all together and make the right decisions in the end. The ending was an explosive finale that definitely ended in the right choices. I wonder if there could be another book on the further adventures of Gwen. I also think that Fate has a lot to answer for - she really wasn't that kind to the players in this story. Well written and an original story-line, just stick with the switches between the past and the present - you will get used to it.

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Tuesday 27 November 2018

Review: Waking the Gods: A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy by Eva Chase 5 of 5 stars

Waking the Gods: A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy Waking the Gods: A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy by Eva Chase
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Aria Watson is a Valkyrie and when Surt appears in Asgard with a huge army determined to take over the realms of the Gods and the humans. Aria and her four Golds soon realise that they cannot possibly defeat him on their own and so the seek to find all of the other Gods who are scattered all over the place. When they are all gathered Ari has to struggle with both her own self doubt and the doubts of the other Gods with her abilities and the worth of any contribution she might make. Can they win the fight for their lives as well as their home in this win or lose all scenario?

I loved this story which is the last of the series. It was packed with action, drama, danger, emotion, and lots of character development. Ari definitely came into her own in this story and it also showed a really nice strengthening of the relationship between her and her four God lovers. It was great to see how much they obviously cared for each other and that it was a relationship and not just a physical thing, I loved the way the story finished and what was promised for the future - I just wish we had more stories on the way in the series in order to explore their relationships and skills more. Recommended.

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Sunday 25 November 2018

Review: The Nutcracker Curse by Margo Ryerkerk 4 of 5 stars

The Nutcracker Curse The Nutcracker Curse by Margo Ryerkerk
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Clara is the Crown Princess of Austria and her father has decreed that she must marry one of the foreign Princes visiting the kingdom - something she is not ready to do - she enjoys her freedom. However the choice of Princes becomes the least of her worries when she picks up a spelled nutcracker and a deadly curse on her is released. She has twelve days to find and feed a special nut called the Crackatook to the nutcracker or her soul will be trapped in the toy and she will be turned to wood. She decides that she cannot (and will not) rely on the Princes but will depart on her unicorn and solve it herself. However her childhood best friend Phillip intercepts her and gives her a stark choice - return to the castle or let him come along and help her. So she agrees to have him go on the journey with her across different realms with mythical creatures. Can they survive and can the find the Crackatook before Clara's soul is trapped and she turns to wood?

This is a charming story that is a lovely fantasy spin on the fairy-tale that had a very happily ever after ending to it. I loved the determination in Clara to not only get to the bottom of the curse to save her life but also to do the right thing and be kind to everyone too. Well written and easy to read it became quite addictive wanting to know what is going to happen next.

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Review: Ghosts and Grudges by Jasmine Walt 5 of 5 stars

Ghosts and Grudges Ghosts and Grudges by Jasmine Walt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Medical student Aika has a hidden ability awaken in her and that's when the trouble starts. How is she supposed to handle caring for her sick mother, studying for her medical degree and running their restaurant before this new ability to summon monsters? However when her mother is taken by an ancient and powerful evil she can't ignore it anymore and ends up working with a hunky shaman called Raiden although she senses something is not right about him - will her attraction to him win out over her suspicions?

Wow - if I could give this more than 5 stars I would. There was so much drama, mystery and action woven into this mystical story around an ancient Japanese folklore that I was hooked from start to finish.Definitely a book that I struggled to put down. I loved the way the story was woven into the folklore and the clever way the concern for her mother, the need to learn about her new skills, her attraction to Raiden and the suspicions about him all mixed together into a lovely meal that certainly was a delight.

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Thursday 22 November 2018

Review: Dreams of Ice and Shadow by Kathryn Troy 4 of 5 stars

Dreams of Ice and Shadow Dreams of Ice and Shadow by Kathryn Troy
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Luca is trying to tackle his father and it is to him the perfect time as Katelyn is across the sea at the slave city of Likhan trying to support her nephew Darien ascend to the throne there and stop impending revolutionary chaos. Can the eternal lovers get back together or will they both fail with their own struggles? There is also danger in the form of Alaric who while helping Kate in Likham is also determined to win Kate back from Luca. Can they both survive the dreams of ice and shadow and save both themselves and the land of Icarya?

I loved this story which was a very complex fantasy with little bits of horror interspersed in places. I loved the strong love and relationship between Kate and Luca that was explored in some fairly detailed character development. There were plenty of twists and tuns which meant you could never assume anything. Well written it was an easy read and quite addictive.

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Monday 19 November 2018

Review: Geir by Dale Mayer 4 of 5 stars

Geir Geir by Dale Mayer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As the search for more information about Mouse goes on, former SEAL Geir Winthrop travels to San Diego to follow up on some clues around Mouse's life and drill down on some of the disturbing information the team has uncovered as part of investigating their so called accident a couple of years ago. He stays at a B&B co-owned by artist Morning Blossom and her father. Morning sees the B&B as her safe haven as she struggles with self doubt in her abilities as an artist. Having stayed away from relationships since a bad one she starts to believe that she could have some thing with Geir if only he wasn't going to go home at the end of his stay. Geir on the other hand is determined to protect her after realising just how naive she is about security in her place especially as his world of danger starts to spill into her home and business life. Can he find the answers, protect Morning and is there a chance of them having a long term relationship?

This was a delightful story which had all the necessary ingredients of a SEAL based romance - drama, danger, a strong need to protect a woman and the chance of a relationship in the future. It helps if you have read the previous books in the series to understand the events that triggered this search for information but it is also possible to read this as a stand alone story. I loved the way Morning's painting was progressing as the attraction between Geir and her was also developing. En enjoyable story with a few twists and turns too.

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Review: Heart of Ice by Lisa Edmonds 5 of 5 stars

Heart of Ice Heart of Ice by Lisa Edmonds
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Alice Worth is a private investigator with a ghost sidekick and a hot alpha werewolf called Sean for a boyfriend. Thinking she has the time to relax and do some more mundane investigations she starts to investigate a burglary ring targeting magical objects collected by the rich and powerful. She also has the issue of her grandfather Moses Murphy fighting another crime lord for control of the city. This gets very dangerous for Alice as she is related to the person doing the hard work on this and she needs to avoid her and remain unknown at all costs. Then Sean gets injured and his pack becomes really angry with her, however to save Sean and survive a well laid trap, she risks everything (including possible recognition) as she's never backed down before so she sees no point in doing that now.

This was action packed with drama, intrigue and danger at all points as Alice battled with burglars, wolves and magic coming at her from all angles. I really felt for her at times but with dogged determination she never let it defeat her with some pretty awesome results at times. Well written and very enjoyable, it was a powerful read that can be a stand alone read but is probably slightly more enjoyable if you have read the previous books in the series.

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Sunday 18 November 2018

Review: Chrome Mountain by Ben Schneider 4 of 5 stars

Chrome Mountain Chrome Mountain by Ben Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

They were from different circles but Sonya stopped during her journey to evade a biker gang to help scientist Trey to evade global terrorist organisation the Chrome when they tried to capture him for his knowledge. Out of that situation struck a friendship that saw them fight to stop the knowledge from falling into the determined terrorists' hands in order to ensure the world stayed safe. Can they keep on evading the Chrome, build their friendship into a relationship as well as keep Trey's knowledge safe?

I really enjoyed this story which was full of drama, intrigue, danger with many twists and turns too. It was refreshingly a clean story with no bad language nor any sex. It was nice to read about a build up to a friendship first and then a relationship that was built to last. I enjoyed the format of the story and although it was fiction I could also imagine it would be possible to happen for real in the future. An enjoyable read.

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Thursday 15 November 2018

Review: Heroes for Hire: Books 1-3

Heroes for Hire: Books 1-3 Heroes for Hire: Books 1-3 by Dale Mayer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Levi's Legend - 4*

When Levi was in the service as a SEAL he was involved in something life changing that was caused by someone betraying the rest of his group. Since then he has been focused on finding who it was which means his new security firm and everything else has taken a second place - even though the man he is hunting for is also looking to find Levi and finish the job properly. Ice has been with Levi all of the time however for some he has shut her out and everything is getting to a critical point - if something doesn't happen soon or a wrong word is spoken her hopes and dreams could be over (as well as the relationship between them). Can they beat the man coming for them before it is too late and can they both survive with their relationship intact?

This was a great start to the series - there was enough back story that I could understand the links between the players and the various ways the end could go. I felt all the angst of both Levi and Ice and the emotions that were churning through their thoughts as the story developed. I was heartened and relieved at the way it finished although there were lots of twists and turns as part of getting to the end. Well written, everything was clear and easy to understand and very enjoyable.

Stone's surrender - 5*

Stone has gone through a long slow recovery and is back working for Levi and for his first active role he rescues a kidnapped senator's daughter Lissa. Determined to do anything to spoilt her father's plans for her, Lissa did not plan on getting kidnapped but as soon as she meets Stone nothing else seems important however when they return to their home country she finds the nightmare seems to be there still - ban they find out what this is all about, clear her name and move on with their lives?

This was a great story with lots of drama, danger and an underlying mystery that kept my attention all the way through as I tried to work out all the different scenarios that could have caused all that drama. Well written and easy to understand, it was a charming love story merged into a dramatic story all around danger, betrayal and corruption. Definitely recommended.

Merk's Mistake - 4*

Merk is finally recovered from his injuries and is back dong missions however he gets a very unexpected call from his ex-wife asking for a meeting - problem is when he finally gets near her he watches her being snatched into a vehicle and driven away fast. Katina went to Merk because although they haven't spoken for years he is the one person she knows will have her back when she is in danger. It appears that they are both just as attracted to each other now as they were then - can he keep her alive, get to the bottom of the mystery and get their relationship back to the way it was years ago?

Wow - drama and excitement all the way through this story as they faced danger after danger. I liked the way they reconnected and took their time to see how things were although it seemed obvious that they would get back together - I just hope that this time they are sure of what they are doing as I would hate to see it go wrong in a later book in this series. Katina because really annoying in the way she kept things so close to her and hid everything until the last minute of them trying to work out what was happening to put her in danger - how can she trust him enough to help her but not enough to tell him things? Well written and easy to understand I just wish I could warm to Katina a bit more.

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Review: Merk's Mistake by Dale Mayer 4 of 5 stars

Merk's Mistake Merk's Mistake by Dale Mayer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Merk is finally recovered from his injuries and is back dong missions however he gets a very unexpected call from his ex-wife asking for a meeting - problem is when he finally gets near her he watches her being snatched into a vehicle and driven away fast. Katina went to Merk because although they haven't spoken for years he is the one person she knows will have her back when she is in danger. It appears that they are both just as attracted to each other now as they were then - can he keep her alive, get to the bottom of the mystery and get their relationship back to the way it was years ago?

Wow - drama and excitement all the way through this story as they faced danger after danger. I liked the way they reconnected and took their time to see how things were although it seemed obvious that they would get back together - I just hope that this time they are sure of what they are doing as I would hate to see it go wrong in a later book in this series. Katina because really annoying in the way she kept things so close to her and hid everything until the last minute of them trying to work out what was happening to put her in danger - how can she trust him enough to help her but not enough to tell him things? Well written and easy to understand I just wish I could warm to Katina a bit more.

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Review: The Alpha's Possession by Isadora Brown 5 of 5 stars

The Alpha's Possession The Alpha's Possession by Isadora Brown
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Alpha Marcus Sterling has been accused of embezzlement and so Nocturnal Defence agent Bridgette Barker is part of a team trying to arrest him. However it goes wrong, and the cocky and stubborn Alpha bites her before being determined to make her his - no matter what she says. How will this end when the two clash in the battle for Bridgette and will she get her man in the way she expects?

This was a great Paranormal story which educated the reader in some of the features of shifters and the way they interact and find their mates. It was full of lots of drama and danger as not everything went to plan for either of them. The mystery of the charges against Marcus was complex and interesting to get to the bottom of them. Well written it was full of drama and excitement.

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Wednesday 14 November 2018

Review: Dragon's Joy: The Dragon Shifter's Mates Christmas Novella by Eva Chase 5 of 5 stars

Dragon's Joy: The Dragon Shifter's Mates Christmas Novella Dragon's Joy: The Dragon Shifter's Mates Christmas Novella by Eva Chase
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Now Ren is in charge of all shifter races there is finally peace after many years of chaos and violence. She decides to give all the people she is responsible for an epic Christmas although it is not easy when her mates and friends keep asking her if she is ok - she's pregnant not an invalid and it's getting a bit tiring. Her mates are also planning to give her a great Christmas so she might well find that she will have a few surprises on the way. Will all this planning and parties giver here a sense of peace before their daughter arrives?

This was a charming novella which both gave us an update on Ren and her mates but also gave us a real sense of the Christmas spirit. I loved the detail in some of the areas and the hints of some things that could potentially happen to some of the other characters in the future. It was clearly written and easy to understand. It definitely made me feel both Christmassy and happy to know what happened next at the end of the series.

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Review: Grave Intentions by Nazri Noor 5 of 5 stars

Grave Intentions Grave Intentions by Nazri Noor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Someone is stealing arcane items and doing acts of violence - the problem is the person/people doing it all look just like Dustin Graves - problem is Dust was in the hideout and was nowhere near those places. Before he knows it he is being sought by a vampire clan, the Lorica and even some of his own allies. He is also trying to find anyone who can reforge his sword (and friend) Vanitas. Can the darkling mage solve all these problem and come out the other end with his life?

This story moved along at a fast pace and there was plenty of twists, turns and action as it unfolded. Throughout it all, Dust was his usual snarky self finding a place for his very own brand of sarcasm. Well written and clear/easy to understand, this was a great third book in the series and definitely kept my attention all through the book and the events that were unfolding.

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Tuesday 13 November 2018

Review: Miss Claus and the Christmas Wedding by J.L. Hendricks 4 of 5 stars

Miss Claus and the Christmas Wedding Miss Claus and the Christmas Wedding by J.L. Hendricks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Paulo is the current Santa and really wants the wolves and dragons to get along so has decided to invited both sides to the North Pole for a summer of festivities and games. However some wolves do not agree with that viewpoint and so it starts with the dragon Prince Jax being attacked and is then followed by Bella who is one of the Claus twins being attacked. Can the dragons and wolves stick together and solve who has been doing this even if it is two different groups of people?

This was a sweet festive story that also teaches us all some lessons about prejudice and getting on with each other. I loved all the relationship details and exploration of friendship and finding your mate as well as caring enough for each other enough that you made sure that life priorities were also allowed to continue on. A great festive story with drama, danger, mystery and a HEA that will warm your heart at the end.

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Monday 12 November 2018

Review: Stone's Surrender by Dale Mayer 5 of 5 stars

Stone's Surrender Stone's Surrender by Dale Mayer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Stone has gone through a long slow recovery and is back working for Levi and for his first active role he rescues a kidnapped senator's daughter Lissa. Determined to do anything to spoilt her father's plans for her, Lissa did not plan on getting kidnapped but as soon as she meets Stone nothing else seems important however when they return to their home country she finds the nightmare seems to be there still - ban they find out what this is all about, clear her name and move on with their lives?

This was a great story with lots of drama, danger and an underlying mystery that kept my attention all the way through as I tried to work out all the different scenarios that could have caused all that drama. Well written and easy to understand, it was a charming love story merged into a dramatic story all around danger, betrayal and corruption. Definitely recommended.

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Sunday 11 November 2018

Review: 1970 by Sarah M. Cradit 4 of 5 stars

1970 1970 by Sarah M. Cradit
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Set in New Orleans the Dechanel children all live with their widowed mother Irish Coleen in a garden district mansion. All seven children are uniquely different and each has a gift although some of them wish fervently that they could give them back. She cannot help them with their magic talents nor does she understand it - it is beyond her knowledge and understanding. When the youngest one (a prophet) tells her mother that one of them will die there is no way of knowing who or when just that it will occur. Charles is a playboy, Augustus the one who always fixes the family, Coleen is a pragmatist, Evangeline is just a genius, Maureen a dreamer and Elizabeth is tortured with those prophesies. Who will it be, how will it happen and how will the family fare?

This is definitely a series for all those people who a) didn't want the House of Crimson and Clover to end and b) wanted to know how they got where they are during that series. It was great to read about all the things that happened to the family and siblings that shaped their personalities and relationships. As this book ended some of the things from the House of Crimson and Clover started to connect and make sense more. Easy to read and understand it was an enjoyable book. You don't need to have read the other series first to enjoy this book.

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Saturday 10 November 2018

Review: Mage's Legacy by Rebecca Hamilton by Jade Kerrion 5 of 5 stars

Mage's Legacy Mage's Legacy by Rebecca Hamilton by  
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Gabriel is a siren and as head of his clan he decides to go in search of a mage to health the oscean by recovering the Legacy Stone. Eventually he arrives at Kerina's begging fo rher help which is finally agrees to do so they embark on a dangerous journey across the sea to get the Legacy Stone off the demon Tua and his 7 children. However there is a massive secret that is lying there between his - Kermina isn't a mage and as time passes she is finding it increasingly difficult to confess the truth and correct his assumption

Wow - I absolutely loved this story which had so many dangers that the brave/clever woman and the fearless siren faced. I felt so bad for them both as time passed and the correction of the assumption about her skills became harder and harder to achieve. The dangers faced by them as they faced Tua and his 7 children were all quite difficult and well handled by the intrepid twosome. I loved the way the story ended and the final result and that definitely make the story feel so much better to have such a happy ending. Well written it was a very enjoyable book that I found very hard to put down.

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Review: A Vision in Crimson by Kathryn Troy 4 of 5 stars

A Vision in Crimson A Vision in Crimson by Kathryn Troy
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In the year 12,205 on earth Luca is a dhampir (half human, half vampire) he lives a lonely existence working as a vampire hunter. He dreams of a goddess only to awaken and see the same woman who is Kate - queen of the Icaryan world who has arrived with her travelling companions who will change Luca's life into one of wonder and shared experiences - something he has not experienced before. He will forget this own quest to find and kill his father helping them however his father has not forgotten about him!

I really enjoyed the relationship between Kate and Luca and the way his world was turned upside down as he turned his back on his previous lonely life. It was a charming mixture of a science fiction story and a paranormal story which was definitely a surprise. Enjoyable and well written my one criticism is that the story ended rather abruptly and feel it was a rather brutal way to tempt me to want to read the next book in the series to find out what happens next.

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Review: Eternity: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance by Tami Lund 5 of 5 stars

Eternity: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance Eternity: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance by Tami Lund
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Abby had been a blood courtesan and had fallen for her vampire, but he set me free saying vampires and humans shouldn't be together. However now I'm in danger and he is the only one who can save me.

Lots of drama in this story that is a continuation of existing blood courtesan books. Lots of drama, danger and excitement in this story that eventually had the right ending.

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Friday 9 November 2018

Review: Anders's Angel by Dale Mayer 5 of 5 stars

Anders's Angel Anders's Angel by Dale Mayer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Anders is a winter and wilderness kind of guy - he is never happier than when in that environment so his latest assignment to collect glaciologist Angela - made even more pleasant as they have a shared history and she is no longer an engaged woman. Problem is, Angela has had enough of being told what to do by men - first it was her father and her parents' divorce, then a betraying ex-fiance, so she is in no mood to obey Anders and return home. Can she open up and explain what the problem and danger is, and can they find a way to move forward and have a future together?

I loved this story which had a good mix of drama and danger mixed into some fairly emotional discussions about feelings and experiences. Angela was a really feisty woman who was taking no prisoners and taking no orders from anyone - especially a man! Who doesn't love a woman like that? Anders was a great mixture of care, compassion and understanding all mixed into a person who oozed confidence and certainty of what was in his own mind. I loved the final confrontation with her father and the way the team from Legendary Security were able to bring it all to a close. Well written and very enjoyable.

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Friday 2 November 2018

Review: The Dragon Shifter's Mates: The Complete Series by Eva Chase 5 of 5 stars

The Dragon Shifter's Mates: The Complete Series The Dragon Shifter's Mates: The Complete Series by Eva Chase
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a great bargain that pulls together the entire Dragon Shifter's Mates series of four books and a novella at the end that gives us more information of what happened next to Ren, her mates and their combined peoples. Well written it is a joy to read and you will be pulled into the story as it progresses.

*** Please note this is a reverse harem series of books and so it will feature sexual content and one woman with multiple mates.

Dragon's Guard

Ren Landis goes out on her 21st birthday and ends up being kidnapped. Then it all goes a bit weird when she discovers that shifters actually exist and that she is one too - and that she is the last dragon shifter too. She meets the hot alphas of the 4 shifter groups and she is supposed to mate with them and unite the shifter communities. However she has never shifted, has no idea how to reactivate her powers and there are rogues out for her blood so they can finish what they started years ago.

WOW. Lots of drama, danger, hot guys, passion and action. I loved the concept of the story with her mating with the 4 of them (lucky girl!) and her struggle to understand this new world and finding her powers. Well written and the sex scenes were tastefully written and appropriate to the story. I can't wait to read the next instalment in the story.

Dragon's Tears

Ren discovered in the previous book that she is the last dragon shifter alive and has to have 4 alpha shifters as her mates - such a hard task. However she is starting to get her abilities and emotions under control. However following a trail from her mother, both Ren and her mates have to face trials and dangers along the way. As part of that secrets are unearthed that threaten the peace that exists between shifters and fae - does Ren have the strength to handle everything that is thrown a her?

Wow - so much drama and danger all mixed in with a real need for restraint and diplomacy. I loved the interplay between Ren and her mates as well as Ren and the people in the wider shifter community. I won't spoil anything but two of them need a damn good shake! Well written and lots of drama, danger and excitement. Looking forward to what happens next.

Dragon's Desire

Ren has settled into her role as the last dragon shifter and is getting her head around this 4 alpha mates. However trouble won't leave them alone and the rogues won't eave them alone. Try as they might they find allies to the rogues and betrayal in the most unexpected places. How can she unite all the shifters when 3 weeks ago she thought she was a normal human??

Wow - great story that was drama and excitement from start to finish. There were twists and turns all over the place and I definitely found myself reading faster and faster as the story developed. Well written and everything was clear and easy to understand. I can't wait for the next one now.

Dragon's Fate

Life is still not normal for Ren and her mates when supernatural race war seems even more likely as vampires decide that shifters should no longer exist and start taking action to ensure that is true. Whilst fire can destroy vampires and protect the shifters there is only one Ren so she can't be everywhere. She goes to look at the dragon archives in the hope it holds the answer although she will find it will make her question is knew about the new world she now lives in.

Wow - this was a great ending to the series. It still had the mixture of drama and danger as we expect from the series but it definitely upped the ante a bit and the relationships between Ren and her mates were good for the level of detail it added and showed how the dynamic would work in that situation. I liked the way it ended and hope that might lead to a new series so we get to find out what happens later. Well written and I could feel and and easily empathise with the thoughts and emotions from the characters.

Dragon's Joy

Now Ren is in charge of all shifter races there is finally peace after many years of chaos and violence. She decides to give all the people she is responsible for an epic Christmas although it is not easy when her mates and friends keep asking her if she is ok - she's pregnant not an invalid and it's getting a bit tiring. Her mates are also planning to give her a great Christmas so she might well find that she will have a few surprises on the way. Will all this planning and parties giver here a sense of peace before their daughter arrives?

This was a charrming novella which both gave us an update on Ren and her mates but also gave us a real sense of the Christmas spirit. I loved the detail in some of the areas and the hints of some things that could potentially happen to some of the other characters in the future. It was clearly written and easy to understand. It definitely made me feel both Christmassy and happy to know what happened next at the end of the series.

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Thursday 1 November 2018

Review: Black The Sun: A Quentin Black Paranormal Mystery Romance by JC Andrijeski 5 of 5 stars

Black The Sun: A Quentin Black Paranormal Mystery Romance Black The Sun: A Quentin Black Paranormal Mystery Romance by JC Andrijeski
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Black and Miri are on the island of Koh Mangaan which is half a national park and half his personal resort/retreat and more recently a refugee centre for those seers running from Lucky Lucifer (Miri's Uncle Charles). Two Japanese tourists go missing and the park rangers come to black asking for help to find them as they fear they have been taken by the Nachtsonne (Night Sun) who have lived on the island for decades in the mountains. Black and Miri are busy and so send Nick, Angel, Cowboy, Dex and Jem to search for them and they go missing. Still busy Black will send the least likely person in to help retrieve them - the question is will then get there in time and what will be the cost of this help?

OMG - this both finally gave me something that has needed to be completed for some time, whilst suddenly opening all sorts of new questions that I now need to have answered. It was full of twists, turns, drama, tenderness and new mysteries. I loved the setting for this book which was described in great detail so I could feel it and imagine I was there. During parts of it I definitely wanted to hug and comfort some of the characters and just hope in the next instalment they make a full recovery. You can read this stand alone but it is better if you have read the previous books. Either way definitely a recommended read.

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Sunday 28 October 2018

Review: Levi's Legend by Dale Mayer 4 of 5 stars

Levi's Legend Levi's Legend by Dale Mayer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When Levi was in the service as a SEAL he was involved in something life changing that was caused by someone betraying the rest of his group. Since then he has been focused on finding who it was which means his new security firm and everything else has taken a second place - even though the man he is hunting for is also looking to find Levi and finish the job properly. Ice has been with Levi all of the time however for some he has shut her out and everything is getting to a critical point - if something doesn't happen soon or a wrong word is spoken her hopes and dreams could be over (as well as the relationship between them). Can they beat the man coming for them before it is too late and can they both survive with their relationship intact?

This was a great start to the series - there was enough back story that I could understand the links between the players and the various ways the end could go. I felt all the angst of both Levi and Ice and the emotions that were churning through their thoughts as the story developed. I was heartened and relieved at the way it finished although there were lots of twists and turns as part of getting to the end. Well written, everything was clear and easy to understand and very enjoyable.

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Friday 26 October 2018

Review: Rhodes' Reward by Dale Mayer 4 of 5 stars

Rhodes' Reward Rhodes' Reward by Dale Mayer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Rhodes knew Sierra when she was a gawky teenager but meeting her it is clear she is nowhere near that now. Sienna had a major crush on Rhodes (her brother's best friend) and now he is even hotter than he was then. However she is new to the compound and her primary focus is making sure she can continue to live there - however when she is asked to help on a job a sequence of events is triggered that will put them both in danger. Can something good come out of this dangerous situation?

This is a very sweet story of a crush on a brother's best friend merged into a story of greed and a set of people who will do anything to ensure that their gravy train continues and is protected. It had a good balance of danger, drama and excitement merged with an undeniable attraction between two people who are destined to find each other and find a HEA with lots of sparks on the way. Very enjoyable and impossible to put down.

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Review: Heroes for Hire: Books 4-6 by Dale Mayer 5 of 5 stars

Heroes for Hire: Books 4-6 Heroes for Hire: Books 4-6 by Dale Mayer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rhodes' Reward - 4*

Rhodes knew Sierra when she was a gawky teenager but meeting her it is clear she is nowhere near that now. Sienna had a major crush on Rhodes (her brother's best friend) and now he is even hotter than he was then. However she is new to the compound and her primary focus is making sure she can continue to live there - however when she is asked to help on a job a sequence of events is triggered that will put them both in danger. Can something good come out of this dangerous situation?

This is a very sweet story of a crush on a brother's best friend merged into a story of greed and a set of people who will do anything to ensure that their gravy train continues and is protected. It had a good balance of danger, drama and excitement merged with an undeniable attraction between two people who are destined to find each other and find a HEA with lots of sparks on the way. Very enjoyable and impossible to put down.

Flynn's Firecracker - 5*

Flynn is ding a trial job for Legendary and is looking after Anna and her animal shelter but he finds easy but his trouble starts when he leaves after the job finishes. Anna had enjoyed having Flynn's help and couldn't help being attracted to him so was a bit relieved when he left but also really needs him when there is a dead man on her property. It becomes apparent that someone really wants to kill Flynn and really has no problem if other people die as part of the process. Can they both survive?

Wow - this was very dramatic and had so many twists and turns there was no way you could be bored reading it. I loved the relationship between the feisty Anna and Flynn - they made a great couple and were definitely made for each other. There were some drama, some thrills and some really tender moments too. I loved the way the animals were melting the hearts of these touch ex-SEALs in the story - proof that everyone has a soft side if you only know where to look for it.

Logan's Light - 5*

Logan and Harrison have been sent to Boston to look for intel on a human trafficking case which then leads them to assist as they get more and more involved in the case. All Alina can remember is having a coffee in the cafe at the hospital where she works when she comes-to in a strange apartment and tied up. However there are other women involved and there is a determination in the traffickers to not lose out through a loss of women so when Logan saves Alina then they all end up on the run trying to keep her safe AND find the traffickers plus free the other women. Can they find everyone in time?

I loved this story which had so much drama and danger mixed into a tale which had many twists and turns as they navigated the perils of the world of human trafficking. I loved the way the interaction between Logan and Alina started with care and compassion and that over time it developed into something that was rather deeper. As always I love the endings where the team comes together and it sets up the team dynamic for the next story. Well written I was completely caught up into the story and was hoping and praying that the women were found and freed as well as what was developing between Logan and Alina got a chance to be something more.

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Review: Logan's Light by Dale Mayer 5 of 5 stars

Logan's Light Logan's Light by Dale Mayer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Logan and Harrison have been sent to Boston to look for intel on a human trafficking case which then leads them to assist as they get more and more involved in the case. All Alina can remember is having a coffee in the cafe at the hospital where she works when she comes-to in a strange apartment and tied up. However there are other women involved and there is a determination in the traffickers to not lose out through a loss of women so when Logan saves Alina then they all end up on the run trying to keep her safe AND find the traffickers plus free the other women. Can they find everyone in time?

I loved this story which had so much drama and danger mixed into a tale which had many twists and turns as they navigated the perils of the world of human trafficking. I loved the way the interaction between Logan and Alina started with care and compassion and that over time it developed into something that was rather deeper. As always I love the endings where the team comes together and it sets up the team dynamic for the next story. Well written I was completely caught up into the story and was hoping and praying that the women were found and freed as well as what was developing between Logan and Alina got a chance to be something more.

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Thursday 25 October 2018

Review: Flynn's Firecracker by Dale Mayer 5 of 5 stars

Flynn's Firecracker Flynn's Firecracker by Dale Mayer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Flynn is ding a trial job for Legendary and is looking after Anna and her animal shelter but he finds easy but his trouble starts when he leaves after the job finishes. Anna had enjoyed having Flynn's help and couldn't help being attracted to him so was a bit relieved when he left but also really needs him when there is a dead man on her property. It becomes apparent that someone really wants to kill Flynn and really has no problem if other people die as part of the process. Can they both survive?

Wow - this was very dramatic and had so many twists and turns there was no way you could be bored reading it. I loved the relationship between the feisty Anna and Flynn - they made a great couple and were definitely made for each other. There were some drama, some thrills and some really tender moments too. I loved the way the animals were melting the hearts of these touch ex-SEALs in the story - proof that everyone has a soft side if you only know where to look for it.

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Review: The Disappeared by Valerie J. Mikles 4 of 5 stars

The Disappeared The Disappeared by Valerie J. Mikles
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Corey is a spaceship pilot and trying everything she can to escape an abusive man called Ivan LaMark. She joined the crew of a trade spaceship but it's not quite what she had hoped when she gets the chance of the bounty of a lifetime - one of the Disappeared - however that has put her in the sights of the crew of her ship, LaMark and the Lunar Guard.. Will she escape LaMark, avoid the Lunar Guard and the wrath of her shipmates in this powerful tale?

This is definitely the start of an epic tale of love, lust, pain and betrayal all wrapped into a complex world with some very surprising personalities and skills. You'll definitely be hooked as you begin to be drawn into the world and the various characters in the story although you do need to pay attention as it is not easy to remember who all of the people are at times. Well written I enjoyed most of the story however there were some very violent moments in there and the ending made me wonder what the hell can happen now. A powerful scifi story.

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Sunday 21 October 2018

Review: Laszlo by Dale Mayer 5 of 5 stars

Laszlo Laszlo by Dale Mayer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Minx Mahoney grew up is a rough area with an abusive parent and her only salvation was her childhood best friend Mouse, but he left when he was 17 and she never heard from him again. She trained at college and did her best to get out as she became a counsellor. However she is sent to work back in her childhood area after suffering sexual harassment. Laszlo Hansen is a former SEAL and after a deliberate action that had ended up with Mouse's death he goes to an area to investigate Mouse's childhood and meets Minx who is probably the best person to help him to understand. What happens next will test everyone's resolve and put everyone in danger - will they survive?

This was a powerful story that started to dig deeper into Mouse and gave Laszlo and the team some surprising information about Mouse that just kept giving more and more surprises as they followed all of the leads. Mix into that the story of Minx and her sexual harassment and it became a roller-coaster of emotions, drama and danger that definitely kept me addicted as they moved from one revelation to the next. Well written it was great to get even better understanding of the possible motives and causes of the events that left Mouse dead and the rest of the team suffering various levels of disability.

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