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Friday 28 June 2024

Review: Trained By His Little by Alex Blaine by Avery Meadows 3 of 5 stars

Trained By His Little

Trained By His Little by Alex Blaine by Avery Meadows
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

As a thirty-five year old foreman on a construction site, Tad has a great life…but he’s lonely. And after spending time with his buddy and his Little, Tad is even more aware of how badly he wants a Little of his own. When something is triggered in his biology, he goes from living a quiet and normal existence to needing to deal with a near-constant flow of milk. It’s a crazy change that he’s not sure how to handle.Oliver works at home and keeps mostly to himself. As much as he wants to find a Daddy to take care of him, he’s afraid to open up to a stranger. So he orders fresh milk from The Lactin Brotherhood and takes advantage of their in-person resources when he needs extra comfort.When Oliver is asked to help out Tad, a new member of The Lactin Brotherhood who isn’t handling his changing body very well, he’s eager to step up. Not only for the yummy reward but because he genuinely wants to help the man who is probably very confused about what’s happening to him.

This was a sweet story of how Daddy Tad found his perfect little in Oliver who found his dream in Tad. I loved how their relationship grew slowly into something that was there forever. Easy to read, feel and understand. This was a MM story with mature content and a BDSM-like DDLB dynamic with male lactation.

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