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Sunday 9 June 2024

Review: More Than Words by Becca Neil 5 of 5 stars

More Than Words

More Than Words by Becca Neil
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oliver Ellison’s heart knows the words are true. Sam Reynolds is the love of his life, and Ollie wants nothing more than to tell his boyfriend how he feels. But trauma and pain from a brutal assault nearly two years ago have kept Ollie from being free to say the words out loud - or to express his love through physical intimacy. Sam understands. He was there at the beginning, after all. He was the one who took care of Ollie during the aftermath, and he’s been there ever since, with his sunshine-filled smile and endless support. Healing is a long road, and Sam is committed. However long it takes. But when a family emergency on the opposite side of the country forces them apart, Sam and Ollie might need all the strength of their love and much more than words to help them get through it.

OMG, this is just such an emotional story as Ollie struggles with his PTSD and anxiety following the attack. Sam's love for Ollie is astounding and demonstrates that they were meant to be together. There are so many feelings and emotions that you cannot help but be swept away by them. You will cry and it won't be pretty. Please read the trigger warnings. This is an MM story with mature content.

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