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FEATURED NEW RELEASE - Mated to the Gargoyle by Lisa Carlisle

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Tuesday 21 June 2022

Review: Seer Knight by J.C. Andrijeski 5 of 5 stars

Seer Knight (Bridge & Sword, #5)

Seer Knight by J.C. Andrijeski
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Allie and Revik have set up a camp with their alliance members within a hotel in New York. Then a mystery virus that only kills humans hits San Francisco and at the same time, some key loved ones start disappearing. Add to that the fact that the Lao Hu is constantly attacking the alliance and Shadow is still lurking out there, life is not simple for both Allie and Revik as they are forced to now find ways to work together effectively. They then find a list of humans that are marked as important in the Displacement so Jon sets to work with Wreg to find them and bring them into the protection of the hotel whilst training them. There is also a seer wedding ceremony, a confrontation with an enemy from the Lao Hu and an important meeting at the end of the book with major implications.

WOW - a busy book with a lot of activity and progress in a lot of areas. It was a hard book to make any assumptions as there were a great number of twists, turns and even disguises used so that you could often not all it until an event was complete. The seer wedding was wonderful and I seriously need some of that cake! There were definitely a number of intimate moments that were sensitively written and showed a lot of love between some of the characters. After so much action, what is going to happen next? An easy-to-read book that had me hooked from the start to the finish. Contains an M/M relationship that readers need to be aware of.

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