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Tuesday 6 June 2023

Review: Let Love In by A.D. Ellis 4 of 5 stars

Let Love In

Let Love In by A.D. Ellis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Keegan Greer needs a safe place to live so he can finish school and so moves into his father's bests friend's house. Jake Oakley is happy to give Keegan and safe and comfortable home but having him there awakens a long-buried secret he is not sure he is ready to face. Will the unexpected spark between them be snuffed out before it gets the chance to burn? Or will Keegan and Jake find a way to stoke the fire and let love in?

I enjoyed this story with the fun-loving Keegan and Professor Jake who were both working from home while learning to live in the same house while getting to know each other. I loved the sparks that flew between them that was never going to be possible to resist. I loved their easy relationship and that they were able to (after some discussion) recognise that they were both adults. Easy to read and understand. This MM story contains mature content.

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